Abbe, Ernst Karl
Abdullah Frères, Vhichen, Kevork, and Hovsep
Abney, William de Wiveleslie
Ackland, William
Acres, Birt
Adam-Salomon, Antoine-Samuel
Adamson, John
Agnew, Thomas and Sons
Aguado de las Marismas, Comte Olympe-Clemente-Alexandre-Auguste and Vicomte Onesipe-Gonsalve
Ahrendts, Leopold
Alexandra, Queen
Allen, Frances Stebbins and Mary Electa
Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence
Alophe, Menut A.
Altobelli, Gioacchino and Molins, Pompeo
Amici, Giovanni Battista
Anderson, James
Andrieu, Jules
Angerer, Ludwig and Viktor
Annan, James Craig
Annan, Thomas
Anschütz, Ottomar
Anthony, Edward and Henry Tiebout
Appert, Eugène
Archer, Frederick Scott
Arnold, Charles Dudley
Arnoux, Hippolyte
Artaria, Ferdinando
Asser, Eduard Isaac
Atget, Jean-Eugène-Auguste
Atkins, Anna
Aubert, François
Babbitt, Platt D.
Bacot, Edmond
Baker, F.W.
Baldi, Gregor and Würthle, Karl Friedrich
Baldus, Édouard
Ball, James Presley
Bambridge, William
Barkanov, V.
Barker, Alfred Charles
Barker, George
Barnard, Edward Emerson
Barnard, George N.
Barnardo, Thomas John
Barnett, Henry Walter
Bartholdi, Frédéric-Auguste
Baudelaire, Charles
Bauer, Francis
Bayard, Hippolyte
Bayliss, Charles
Beals, Jessie Tarbox
Beard, Richard
Beato, Antonio
Beato, Felice
Béchard, Henri and Émile, and Délié, Hipployte
Becquerel, Edmond Alexandre
Bede, Cuthbert
Bedford, Francis
Beere, Daniel Manders
Behles, Edmondo
Belitski, Ludwig and von Minutoli, Baron Alexander
Bell, William
Bell, William Abraham
Bell, William H.
Belloc, Auguste
Bemis, Samuel
Benecke, Ernst
Bennett, Henry Hamilton
Bentley, Wilson
Berggren, Guillaume (Wilhelm)
Bernoud, Alphonse
Bertall, Charles Albert, vicomte d’ Arnoux
Bertillon, Alphonse
Bertsch, Auguste-Adolphe
Bey, Mohamed Sadic
Beyer, Karol
Biewend, Hermann Carl Eduard
Biggs, Colonel Thomas
Bingham, Robert J.
Biot, Jean-Baptiste
Biow, Hermann
Biró, Lajos
Bisson, Louis-Auguste and Auguste-Rosalie
Black, James Wallace
Blackmore, William
Blair, Thomas Henry
Blanchard, Valentine
Blanquart-Evrard, Louis-Désiré
Bock, Thomas and Alfred
Bogardus, Abraham
Bolas, Thomas
Boldyrev, Ivan
Bonaparte, Roland, Prince
Bonnard, Pierre
Bool, Alfred and John
Böttger, Georg
Bourdin, Jules (Dubroni)
Bourne, John Cooke
Boyer, Alden Scott
Brady, Mathew B.
Bragge, James
Brandel, Konrad
Brandseph, Friedrich
Brandt, Christian Friedrich
Braquehais, Bruno
Brassey, Lady
Braun, Adolphe
Bresolin, Domenico
Breuning, Wilhelm
Brewster, Henry Craigie
Brewster, Sir David
Bridges, George Wilson
Brigman, Anne W.
Brothers, Alfred
Brown Jr, Eliphalet
Brownell, Frank
Buchar, Michael
Buckle, Samuel
Bull, Lucien George
Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm
Burger, Wilhelm Joseph
Burke, John
Burnett, Charles John
Burton, Alfred and Walter
Burton, William Kinninmond
Busch, Friedrich Emil
Byerly, Jacob
Cadett and Neall Dry Plate Ltd
Caffi n, Charles H.
Caire, Nicolas
Cameron, Henry Herschel Hay
Cameron, Julia Margaret
Cammas, Henri
Caneva, Giacomo
Capel-Cure, Alfred
Carabin, Francois Rupert
Carbutt, John
Carjat, Etienne
Carrik, William
Casiano, Alguacil Blázquez
Casler, Herman
Charcot, Jean-Martin
Charnay, Claude-Joseph-Désiré
Chauffourier, Gustavo Eugenio
Chevreul, Michel-Eugène
Child, Thomas
Chit, Francis
Choiselat, Marie-Charles-Isidore and Ratel, Frederick Patrice Clement Stanislas
Chute and Brooks
Cifka, Wenceslau
Civiale, Aimé
Claine, Guillaume
Claudet, Antoine-François-Jean
Claudet, Frances George
Clifford, Charles
Coburn, Alvin Langdon
Cole, Sir Henry
Collard, Hippolyte-Auguste
Collen, Henry
Collie, William
Colls, Lebbeus
Colnaghi, Paul and Dominic
Constable, William
Constant, Eugène
Constantinou, Dimitrios
Cornelius, Robert
Corot, Jean-Baptiste Camille
Cosmes de Cossío, Antonio
Courbet, Gustave
Coutinho Brothers
Cox, James
Craddock and Co., James
Craven, William
Crémière, Léon
Crombie, John Nichols
Crookes, Sir William
Cros, Charles Emile Hortensius
Cruces, Antioco and Luis Campa
Cruikshank, John William
Cuccioni, Tommaso
Cundall, Joseph
Cundell, George Smith and Brothers
Currey, Francis Edmond
Curtis, Edward Sheriff
Cutting, James Ambrose
Cuvelier, Eugène and Adalbert C.
Daguerre, Louis-Jacques-Mandé
Daintree, Richard
Dallemagne, Adolphe Jean François Marin
Dally, Frederick
Dammann, Carl and Frederick
Dancer, John Benjamin
Dandoy, Armand
Darlot, Alphonse
Darwin, Charles Robert
Dauthendey, Karl
Davanne, Louis-Alphonse
Davidson, Thomas
Davison, George
Davy, Sir Humphry
Day, Fred Holland
de Azevedo, Militão Augusto
de Banville, Vicomte Aymard
de Beaucorps, Gustave
de Brébisson, Louis-Alphonse
de Clercq, Louis
de La Rue, Warren
de Meyer, Baron Adolph
de Prangey, Joseph-Philibert Girault
Deane, James
Degas, Edgar
Delaborde, Henri
Delacroix, Ferdinand Victor Eugène
Delagrange, Baron Alexis
Delamotte, Philip Henry
Delaroche, Paul
Delessert, Benjamin and Edouard
Demachy, (Léon) Robert
Demeny, Georges
Denier, Henry ( Andrej Ivanovitch)
Devéria, Achille and Theodule
Deville, Edouard
Diamond, Hugh Welch
Dickson, William Kennedy-Laurie
Dillwyn, Mary
Disdéri, André-Adolphe-Eugène
Disdéri, Genevieve-Elisabeth
Divald, Károly
Dixon, Henry and Thomas J.
Dmitriev, Maxim Petrovich
Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge
Donisthorpe, Wordsworth
Donné, Alfred
Draper, John William
Du Camp, Maxime
Dubois de Nehaut, Chevalier Louis-Pierre-Theophile
Duboscq, Louis Jules
Duchenne, Guillaume-Benjamin-Amant
Ducos du Hauron, André Louis
Dührkoop, Rudolf and Minya
Dumas, Tancrède
Dunlop, Sir James Francis
Dunmore, John L. and Critcherson, George
Durandelle, Louis-Emile
Durieu, Jean-Louis-Marie-Eugène
Duryea, Townsend and Sandford
Dutilleux, Constant
Eakins, Thomas
Eastlake, Sir Charles Lock
Eastman, George
Eaton, Thomas Damont
Eder, Joseph Maria
Edison, Thomas Alva
Edler, Anton
Edwards, J.D.
Egerton, Philp H.
Eickemeyer Jr, Rudolf
Ellis, Alexander James
Ellis, William
Emerson, Peter Henry
Emperor Pedro II
England, William
Enslen, Johann Carl
Epstean, Edward
Ermakov, Dmitri
Eugene, Frank
Evans, Frederick H.
Eynard, Jean-Gabriel
Fallowfi eld, Jonathan
Famin, Constant Alexandre
Faraday, Michael
Fardon, George Robinson
Farmer, Howard
Fenton, Roger
Fiebig, Frederick
Fierlants, Edmond
Fisher, George Thomas
Fiske, George
Fitzgerald, Lord Otto Augustus
Fizeau, Louis Armand Hippolyte
Flachéron, Count Frédéric A.
Florence, Antoine Hercules Romuald
Floyd, William Pryor
Fly, Camillus Sidney
Foelsche, Paul Hinrich Matthais
Fontayne, Charles H.
Forbes, James David
Forrester, Baron Joseph James de
Foster, Peter le Neve
Foucault, Jean Bernard Léon
Fowke, Francis
Fox, Edward
Franck (François-Marie-Louis-Alexandre Gobinet de Villecholles)
Fréchon, Emile
Fredericks, Charles De Forest
Freeman, Orrin
Frénet, Jean Baptiste
Fresnel, Augustin
Fresson and Family, Théodore-Henri
Friese-Greene, William
Frith, Francis
Frizshe, Julius Fedorovich
Frond, Victor
Fry, Peter Wickens
Fry, Samuel
Fry, William Ellerton
Fulhame, Elizabeth
Fyffe, Andrew
Gaensly, Wilhelm (Guilherme)
Gale, Colonel Joseph
Galton, Sir Francis
Gardner, Alexander
Gaumont, Léon
Genthe, Arnold
Geoffray, Stephane
Gernsheim, Alison and Helmut Erich Robert
Ghémar, Louis
Giroux, André
Glaisher, James
Glaister, Thomas
Goddard, John Frederick
Goddard, Paul Beck
Goldensky, Elias
Gonnet, Esteban
Good, Frank Mason
Goodwin, Hannibal
Gouin, Alexis
Graf, Heinrich
Graff, Philipp
Graham, James
Greene, John Beasly
Greenlaw, Colonel Alexander
Groll, Andreas
Gros, Baron Jean-Baptiste Louis
Grundy, William M.
Gsell, Emile
Gurney, Jeremiah
Gutch, John Wheeley Gough
Gutekunst, Frederick
Haas, Philip
Haes, Frank
Hale, Luther Holman
Hammerschmidt, Wilhelm
Hansen, Georg E.
Hare, George
Harrison, Charles C.
Harrison, Gabriel
Harrison, William Jerome
Harrold, Sergeant John
Hartmann, Sadakichi
Hautmann, Anton
Hawarden, Viscountess Clementina Elphinstone
Haynes, Frank Jay
Headingly, Adolphe Smith
Heid, Hermann
Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von
Henderson, Alexander
Henneman, Nicolaas
Henry, Paul and Prospère
Henschel, Alberto
Hentschel, Carl
Hepworth, Thomas Craddock
Herschel, Sir John Frederick William
Hesler, Alexander
Hetzer, William
Highley, Samuel
Hilditch, George
Hill, David Octavius and Adamson, Robert
Hill, Reverend Levi L.
Hillers, John K.
Hime, Humphrey Lloyd
Hinton, Alfred Horsley
Hofmeister, Theodor and Oskar
Hogg, Jabez
Hollyer, Frederick
Holmes, Silas A.
Holterman, Bernard
Hooper, Colonel William Willoughby
Horetzky, Charles
Horn, Wilhelm
Horne, Thornthwaite and Wood
Houghton, George
Houseworth, Thomas
How, Louisa
Howlett, Robert
Huebl, Baron Arthur Freiherr von
Hughes, Cornelius Jabez
Hugo, Charles and François-Victor
Humbert de Molard, Baron Louis-Adolphe
Humphrey, Samuel Dwight
Hunt, Leavitt and Baker, Nathan Flint
Hunt, Robert
Hurter, Ferdinand and Driffi eld, Vero Charles
Inha, Into Kondrad
Innes, Cosmo Nelson
Insley, Lawson
Isenring, Johann Baptist
Itier, Jules
Ives, Frederick Eugene
Jackson, William Henry
James, Henry
Janssen, Pierre Jules César
Jennings, William Nicholson
Jeuffrain, Paul
Jocelyn, Lady Frances (Fanny)
Jocelyn, William Nassau
Johnson, Walter Rogers
Johnston, Frances Benjamin
Johnston, John Dudley
Joly de Lotbinière, Pierre Gustave Gaspard
Joly, John
Jones, Calvert Richard
Jones, George Fowler
Jones, Henry Chapman
Juhl, Ernst
Júnior, Christiano
Karelin, Andrey Osipovich
Kargopoulo, Basile (Vasili)
Käsebier, Gertrude
Keeler, James Edward
Keene, Richard
Keighley, Alexander
Keith, Thomas
Kern, Edward Meyer
Kerry, Charles
Kilburn, Benjamin West and Edward
Kilburn, William Edward and Douglas T.
Kinder, John
King, Henry
King, Horatio Nelson
Kinnear, Charles George Hood
Kinsey, Darius Reynold
Kirchner, Emma
Klič, Karel Vaclav
Klumb, Henry
Knudsen, Knud
Koch, Robert
Kotzsch, Carl Friedrich August
Kraszna-Krausz, Andor
Krone, Hermann
Kruger, Johan Friedrich Carl (Fred)
Kühn, Heinrich
Kusakabe Kimbei
Lacan, Ernst
Lai Afong
Lamprey, John
Lancaster, James & Sons
Langenheim, Friedrich and Wilhelm
Langlois, Jean Charles
Laroche, Martin
Laurent, Juan and Company
Le Blondel, Alphonse
Le Gray, Gustave
Le Prince, Augustin
Le Secq, Henri (Jean-Louis Henri Le Secq des Tournelles)
Lea, Matthew Carey
Legekian, G. & Co.
Leggo, William Augustus
Leitz, Ernst
Lemere, Bedford
Leuzinger, George
Levitsky, Sergey Lvovich
Lichtwark, Alfred
Liébert, Alphonse J.
Lindsay, Sir Coutts
Lindt, John William
Lion, Jules
Lippmann, Gabriel
Livernois, Jules-Isaïe and Jules-Ernest
Llewelyn, John Dillwyn
Lockey, Francis
Loecherer, Alois
Londe, Albert
Loppé, Gabriel
Lorent, Jakob August
Lotze, Maurizio (Moritz)
Luckhardt, Fritz
Lumière, Auguste and Louis
Lummis, Charles F.
Lutwidge, Robert Wilfred Skeffi ngton
Luys, Jules-Bernard
Lyte, Farnham Maxwell
MacFarlane, Sir Donald Horne
Mach, Ernst
Mackey, Father Peter Paul
MacPherson, Robert
Maddox, Richard Leach
Maes, Melchior Florimond Joseph
Malacrida, Jules
Malone, Thomas Augustine
Mann, Jessie
Mansell, Thomas Lukis
Marconi, Gaudenzio
Marey, Etienne Jules
Margaritas, Phillippos
Marissiaux, Gustave
Martens, Friedrich
Martin, Josiah
Martin, Paul Augustus
Marville, Charles
Masury, Samuel
Matthies-Masuren, Fritz
Maxwell, James Clerk
Mayall, John Jabez Edwin
Mayland, William
Maynard, Richard and Hannah
McCosh, John
McGarrigle, John
McKellen, Samuel Dunseith
McLaughlin, Samuel
Meade, Charles Richard and Henry W.
Méhédin, Léon Eugene
Meisenbach, Georg
Melhuish, Arthur James
Merlin, Henry Beaufoy
Mestral, Auguste
Meydenbauer, Albrecht
Michetti, Francesco Paolo
Michiels, Johann Franz
Miethe, Adolf
Migurski, Karol Josef
Miot, Paul-Emile
Misonne, Leonard
Moffatt, John
Moigno, Abbe François
Monpillard, Fernand
Montfort, Benito de
Moodie, Geraldine
Moon, Karl E.
Mora, Jose Maria
Moraites, Petros
Moran, John
Moravia, Charles
Morse, Samuel Finley Breese
Moscioni, Romualdo
Moulin, Félix-Jacques-Antoine
Mucha, Alphonse Marie
Mudd, James
Mulock, Benjamin
Mumler, William H.
Mundy, Daniel Louise
Murray, John
Muybridge, Eadweard James
Myers, Eveleen
Nadar, Paul
Narciso da Silva, Joaquim Possidónio
Nasmyth, James Hall and Carpenter, James
Nastyukov, Mikchail Petrovich
Natterer, Johann and Joseph
Naya, Carlo
Nègre, Charles
Nekhoroshev, N
Nettleton, Charles
Neuhauss, Richard
Nevill, Lady Caroline; Augusta, Lady Henrietta; Frances, Lady Isabel Mary
Newhall, Beaumont and Nancy
Newland, James William
Newman, Arthur Samuel
Neyt, Adolphe
Nicholls, Horace Walter
Niépce de Saint-Victor, Claude Félix Abel
Niépce, Joseph Nicéphore
Noack, Alfredo
Normand, Alfred-Nicolas
Nutting, Wallace
O’Sullivan, Timothy Henry
Oehme, Carl Gustav and F.
Ogawa, Kazumasa
Olie, Jacob
Oosterhuis, Pieter
Oppenheim, August F.
Overstone, Lord
Owen, Hugh
Pacheco, Joaquim Insley
Panunzi, Benito
Parker, John Henry
Parkes, Alexander
Paul, Robert William
Pease, Benjamin Franklin
Peck, Samuel
Penn, Albert Thomas Watson
Percy, John
Perier, Charles-Fortunat-Paul-Casimir
Perini, Antonio
Perutz, Otto
Petit, Pierre
Petzval, Josef Maximilian
Philpot, John Brampton
Piazzi Smyth, Charles
Pigou, William Henry
Piot, Eugène
Pizzighelli, Giuseppe
Plateau, Joseph Antoine Ferdinand
Plumbe Jr, John
Plüschow, Peter Weiermair Wilhelm
Poitevin, Alphonse Louis
Pollock, Arthur Julius, Henry Alexander Radclyffe, and Sir Jonathan Frederick
Ponti, Carlo
Ponton, Mungo
Porter, William Southgate
Potteau, Philippe Jacques
Pou and Camps, Juan Maria
Pouncy, John
Prestwich, William Henry
Pretsch, Paul
Prevost, Charles Henry Victor
Price, William Lake
Pringle, Andrew
Pritchard, Henry Baden
Prout, Victor Albert
Puliti, Tito
Pulman, George
Pumphrey, William
Puyo, Émile Joachim Constant
Quinet, Achille
Ramon y Cajal, Santiago
Raoult, Jean
Rau, William H.
Reade, Joseph Bancroft
Reeve, Lovell Augustus
Régnault, Henri-Victor
Reid, Charles
Rejlander, Oscar Gustav
Relvas, Carlos
Reutlinger, Charles
Rey, Guido
Reynaud, Emile
Richebourg, Pierre-Ambroise
Rigby, Lady Elizabeth Eastlake
Riis, Jacob August
Rive, Roberto
Rivière, Henri
Robert, Louis-Rémy
Robertson, James
Robinson, Henry Peach
Robinson, Ralph Winwood
Roche, Richard
Rodger, Thomas
Rodríguez, Melitón
Roentgen, Wilhelm Conrad
Root, Marcus Aurelius
Rosling, Alfred
Ross, Horatio
Rosse, Lady
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
Rossier, Pierre
Rousseau, Louis
Rudge, John Arthur Roebuck
Ruskin, John
Russell, Andrew Joseph
Rutherfurd, Lewis Morris
Ryder, James Fitzallen
Sabatier-Blot, Jean Baptiste
Saché, Alfred
Saché, John Edward
Salzmann, Auguste
Sambourne, Edward Linley
Sanderson, Frederick H.
Sarony, Napoleon and Olivier François Xavier
Saunders, William Thomas
Sauvaire, Henri
Savage, Charles Roscoe
Saville-Kent, William
Sawyer, John Robert and Charles
Sawyer, Lydell
Saxton, Joseph
Sayce, B. J.
Schaefer, Adolph
Scheele, Carl Wilhelm
Schlagintweit, Hermann, Adolph, and Robert
Schnauss, Julius
Schneider, Trutpert, Wilhelm, and Heinrich
Schott, Friedrich Otto
Schrank, Ludwig
Schultze, Johann Heinrich
Scowen, Charles
Sears, Sarah Choate
Sebah, Johannes Pascal and Joaillier
Sedgfi eld, William Russell
Sella, Vittorio
Sevastyanov, Petr Ivanovitch
Shadbolt, George
Sherlock, William
Shew, William
Shimooka Renjø
Sidebotham, Joseph
Silvester, Alfred
Silvy, Camille-Léon-Louis
Simpson, George Wharton
Sipprell, Clara
Skaife, Thomas
Skeen, William Louis Henry
Slingsby, Robert
Smee, Alfred
Smillie, Thomas
Smith, John Shaw
Smith, Samuel
Snelling, Henry Hunt
Sommer, Giorgio
Southworth, Albert Sands and Hawes, Josiah Johnson
Sparling, Marcus
Spencer, Walter Baldwin
Spiller, John
Squier, Ephraim George
Stahl, August
Steichen, Edward J.
Steinheil, Rudolph
Stelzner, Carl Ferdinand
Stewart, John
Stieglitz, Alfred
Stillman, William James
Stirn, Rudolph and Carl
Stoddard, Seneca Ray
Stone, Sir John Benjamin
Story-Maskelyne, M.H. Nevil
Stuart Wortley, Henry Archibald
Sturmey, Henry
Sutcliffe, Frank Meadow
Sutton, Thomas
Suzuki Shinichi Studios
Swan, Sir Joseph Wilson
Szathmari, Carol Popp de
Taber, Isaiah West
Taft, Robert
Talbot, William Henry Fox
Taunt, Henry William
Taupenot, Jean Marie
Taylor, John Traill
Tenison, Edward King
Terris, Adolphe
Teynard, Félix
Thomas, John
Thompson, Charles Thurston
Thoms, William John
Thomson, John
Thornton, John Edward
Tilbrook, Henry Hammond
Tissandier, Gaston
Topley, William James
Tournachon, Adrien
Towler, John
Townsend, Chauncy Hare
Trémaux, Pierre
Tripe, Linnaeus
Tuminello, Ludovico
Turner, Benjamin Brecknell
Turner, Samuel N.
Tytler, Harriet and Robert C.
Uchida Kuichi
Ueno Hikoma
Ukai Gyokusen
Urie, John
Vacquerie, Auguste
Valenta, Eduard
Valentine, George Dobson
Valentine, James and Sons
Vallou de Villeneuve, Julien
van Kinsbergen, Isidore
van Monckhoven, Désiré Charles Emanuel
Vance, Robert
Varin Frères
Vedani, Camillo
Veress, Ferenc
Victoria, Queen and Albert, Prince Consort
Vidal, Léon
Vigier, Vicomte Joseph
Vignes, Louis
Vignoles, Charles Black
Villalba, Ricardo
Vogel, Hermann Wilhelm
von Ettingshausen, Andreas Ritter
von Gloeden, Baron Wilhelm
von Herford, Wilhelm
von Humboldt, Alexander
von Kobell, Franz
von Lenbach, Franz
von Steinheil, Carl August and Hugo Adolf
von Stillfried-Ratenitz, Baron Raimund
von Voigtländer, Baron Peter Wilhelm Friedrich
Vuillard, Edouard
Walker, Samuel Leon
Walker, William Hall
Wall, Alfred Henry
Wall, Edward John
Walter, Charles
Ward, Catherine Weed Barnes
Ward, Henry Snowden
Warnerke, Leon
Washington, Augustus
Waterhouse, Colonel James
Watkins, Alfred
Watkins, Carleton Eugene
Watkins, Herbert
Wattles, James M
Watzek, Hans
Wedgwood, Thomas
Weed, Charles Leander
Wegener, Otto
Wehnert-Beckmann, Bertha
Welford, Walter D.
Wellington, James Booker Blakemore
Werge, John
Wey, Francis
Wheatstone, Charles
Wheelhouse, Claudius Galen
Whipple, John Adams
White, Clarence Hudson
White, Henry
White, John Claude
White, John Forbes
White, Margaret Matilda
Willème, François
Williams, Thomas Richard
Willis, William
Wilson, Edward Livingston
Wilson, George Washington
Winter, Charles David
Wittick, George Benjamin
Wolcott, Alexander Simon and Johnson, John
Wollaston, William Hyde
Wood, John Muir
Woodbury, Walter Bentley
Worthington, Arthur M.
Wothly, Jacob
Wratten, Frederick Charles Luther
Wynfi eld, David Wilkie
Yokoyama Matsusaburo
York, Frederick
Young, Thomas
Zeiss, Carl
Ziegler, Jules
Zille, Heinrich
Zola, Emile
Twentieth Century
Abbott, Berenice
Adams, Ansel
Adams, Eddie
Adams, Robert
Alpert, Max
Araki, Nobuyoshi
Arbus, Diane
Arnold, Eve
Atget, Eugène
Auerbach, Ellen
Ballen, Roger
Baltz, Lewis
Barr, Jr., Alfred H.
Barthes, Roland
Bayer, Herbert
Beaton, Cecil
Becher, Bernd and Hilla
Bellmer, Hans
Berger, John
Bernhard, Ruth
Beuys, Joseph
Billingham, Richard
Bischof, Werner
Blossfeldt, Karl
Blumenfeld, Erwin
Boltanski, Christian
Bourdeau, Robert
Bourke-White, Margaret
Bragaglia, Anton Giulio
Brandt, Bill
Bravo, Manuel Álvarez
Breitenbach, Joseph
Bruguière, Francis
Burgin, Victor
Burri, René
Burrows, Larry
Burson, Nancy
Cadieux, Genevie`ve
Cahun, Claude
Callahan, Harry
Calle, Sophie
Capa, Robert
Caponigro, Paul
Carrillo, Manuel
Cartier-Bresson, Henri
Chambi, Martin
Christenberry, William
Clark, Larry
Close, Chuck
Coburn, Alvin Langdon
Cohen, Lynne
Coke, Van Deren
Connor, Linda
Coplans, John
Crewdson, Gregory
Cunningham, Imogen
Dahl-Wolfe, Louise
Dater, Judy
Davidson, Bruce
de Meyer, Baron Adolph
Deakin, John
DeCarava, Roy
Delano, Jack
diCorcia, Philip-Lorca
Dijkstra, Rineke
Doisneau, Robert
Domon, Ken
Drtikol, Frantisˇek
Duncan, David Douglas
Edgerton, Harold E.
Eggleston, William
Eisenstaedt, Alfred
Elsken, Ed van der
Erfurth, Hugo
Erwitt, Elliott
Evans, Frederick H.
Evans, Walker
Export, Valie (Waltraud Lehner)
Fani-Kayode, Rotimi
Faucon, Bernard
Faurer, Louis
Feininger, Andreas
Feininger, T. Lux
Feldmann, Hans-Peter
Finsler, Hans
Fischer, Arno
Fischli, Peter and David Weiss
Flaherty, Robert Joseph
Flusser, Vilem
Fosso, Samuel
France, Photography in
Franck, Martine
Frank, Robert
Freund, Gise`le
Fukase, Masahisa
Fukuda, Miran
Funke, Jaromir
Furuya, Seiichi
Fuss, Adam
Gelpke, Andre
Gerz, Jochen
Giacomelli, Mario
Gibson, Ralph
Gidal, N. Tim
Gilbert & George
Gilpin, Laura
Gloaguen, Herve´
Gohlke, Frank
Goldin, Nan
Gowin, Emmet
Graham, Dan
Graham, Paul
Grossman, Sid
Gursky, Andreas
Gutmann, John
Haas, Ernst
Hahn, Betty
Hajek-Halke, Heinz
Halsman, Philippe
Hamaya, Hiroshi
Hammarskio¨ ld, Hans
Hartmann, Erich
Heartfield, John (Helmut Herzfelde)
Heath, David Martin
Heinecken, Robert
Hellebrand, Nancy
Henderson, Nigel
Henri, Florence
Hers, Franc¸ois
Hilliard, John
Hine, Lewis
Höch, Hannah
Horst, Horst P.
Hosoe, Eikoh
Hoyningen-Huene, George
Hurrell, George
Hütte, Axel
Ishimoto, Yasuhiro
Iturbide, Graciela
Jacobi, Lotte
Janah, Sunil
Japan, Photography in
Jones, Harold
Jones, Pirkle
Josephson, Kenneth
Karsh, Yousuf
Käsebier, Gertrude
Kawada, Kikuji
Keetman, Peter
Keïta, Seydou
Kertész, André
Kessels, Willy
Kesting, Edmund
Khaldei, Yevgeny (Chaldej, Jewgeni)
Killip, Chris
Klein, Aart
Klein, Astrid
Klein, William
Klett, Mark
Koudelka, Josef
Kozloff, Max
Krauss, Rosalind
Kruger, Barbara
Krull, Germaine
Lange, Dorothea
Lartigue, Jacques Henri
Laughlin, Clarence John
Lebeck, Robert
Lee, Russell
Leibovitz, Annie
Lemagny, Jean Claude
Lerski, Helmar
Levinthal, David
Levi-Strauss, Claude
Levitt, Helen
Levy, Julien
Liberman, Alexander
Liebling, Jerome
Link, O. Winston
List, Herbert
Long, Richard
Lü thi, Urs
Lynes, George Platt
Lyon, Danny
Lyons, Nathan
Maar, Dora
Man Ray
Man, Felix H.
Mapplethorpe, Robert
Mark, Mary Ellen
McBean, Angus
Meatyard, Ralph Eugene
Meiselas, Susan
Messager, Annette
Metzker, Ray K.
Meyerowitz, Joel
Michals, Duane
Mikhailov, Boris
Miller, Lee
Misrach, Richard
Model, Lisette
Modotti, Tina
Moholy-Nagy, László
Morath, Inge
Morimura, Yasumasa
Morris, Wright
Moses, Stefan
Mulas, Ugo
Muniz, Vik
Munkacsi, Martin
Namuth, Hans
National Geographic
Netherlands, Photography in The
Newhall, Beaumont
Newman, Arnold
Newton, Helmut
Nixon, Nicolas
Novak, Lorie
Olsen, Lennart
Outerbridge, Paul Jr.
Owens, Bill
Parr, Martin
Penn, Irving
Peress, Gilles
Peterhans, Walter
Pfahl, John
Pierre et Gilles
Plossu, Bernard
Plowden, David
Porter, Eliot
Prince, Richard
Rainer, Arnulf
Rauschenberg, Robert
Ray-Jones, Tony
Renger-Patzsch, Albert
Riboud, Marc
Rice, Leland
Riefenstahl, Leni
Riis, Jacob
Ritts, Herb
Roh, Franz
Rosler, Martha
Rothstein, Arthur
Rubinstein, Eva
Ruff, Thomas
Salgado, Sebastião
Salomon, Erich
Sander, August
Schadeberg, Jürgen
Schmidt, Michael
Schneiders, Toni
Sekula, Allan
Serrano, Andres
Seymour, David ‘‘Chim’’
Shahn, Ben
Shaikhet, Arkadii
Sheeler, Charles
Sherman, Cindy
Shibata, Toshio
Shore, Stephen
Simpson, Lorna
Singh, Raghubir
Siskind, Aaron
Skoglund, Sandy
Snow, Michael
Snowdon (Anthony Armstrong-Jones)
Solomon-Godeau, Abigail
Sommer, Frederick
Sontag, Susan
Spence, Jo
Starn, Doug and Mike
Stedelijk Museum
Steichen, Edward
Steiner, Andre
Stettner, Louis
Stieglitz, Alfred
Stone, Sasha
Strand, Paul
Struth, Thomas
Stryker, Roy
Sudek, Josef
Sugimoto, Hiroshi
Szabo, Stephen
Szarkowski, John
Szilasi, Gabor
Tabard, Maurice
Teige, Karel
Teske, Edmund
Tice, George
Tillmans, Wolfgang
Tosani, Patrick
Toscani, Oliviero
Traub, Charles
Tseng Kwong Chi
Turbeville, Deborah
Ubac, Raoul
Uelsmann, Jerry
Ulmann, Doris
Umbo (Otto Umbehr)
Uzzle, Burk
Van Vechten, Carl
VanDerZee, James
Virilio, Paul
Vishniac, Roman
Wall, Jeff
Watanabe, Yoshio
Webb, Boyd
Weber, Bruce
Weber, Wolfgang
Weems, Carrie Mae
Wegman, William
Welpott, Jack
Weston, Edward
White, Clarence
White, Minor
Willis-Kennedy, Deborah
Winogrand, Garry
Witkiewicz (Witkacy), Stanislaw Ignacy
Witkin, Joel-Peter
Wojnecki, Stefan
Woodman, Francesca
Zwart, Piet
19th century
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